WHILST some Constituency in the country had successfully completed their Christmas Cup Tournament this New Year Eve 2022, Temotu province has had just kicked started theirs.
Currently, the ongoing Tournament in Temotu province is the Mabulou and Simpson Mewa’s Tournaments.
The two main hosts were Reef Islands and Santa Cruz in Temotu province.
Speaking to Raw sport, Spokesperson Mr. Cedric Talikmwa said the two championships had kicked started Monday this week.
“Mabulou Cup is an Initiative by Titus Mabulou in honour and respect for his Father John Mabulou’s legacy as a sportsman and athlete,” Mr. Talikmwa said.
He said John Mabulou, as a sportsman and athlete had represented Solomon Islands Team consecutively in the first three consecutive South Pacific games decades ago.
John Mabulou is the founder and initiator of the first football league in the Reef islands in the late 1970s with the helping hand (sponsor) of former Archbishop of Melanesian Church, Late Norman Palmer.
Talikmwa said that the tournament is anticipated to be held annually after it was initiated last year in 2021 and again this year in 2022 in the Reef Islands.
He said the tournament featured both seven aside football and netball knockout. 20 teams are currently participating in soccer and 18 teams in netball.
The first prize for soccer is $6000-00, second prize of $4000-00, third prize of $2000-00, fourth prize of $1000-00 and fifth prize of $1000- 00 cash.
While for Netball, a sum of $3000-00 was allocated for first place, $2000 for second place, and $1000 -00 for third place.
According to Mr. Talikmwa, Simpsons Mewa’s cup is also currently ongoing at Santa Cruz Island and was organized by Hon Simpson Comins Mewa, MP for Temotu Nende Constituency.
“A total of 32 football clubs are currently participating in the MP’s champions,” he said.
Talikmwa said that both tourneys is a seven aside knockout code organised in Pool matches.
He said that competitions is expected to be completed by this coming Saturday 8/01/2022 if fixtures are played as per schedule.
Below are some photos of Day 1, Opening Ceremony of Simpson’s Cup. PHOTOS: CELDRIC TALIKMWA.