SINIS HP Well-being & Lifestyle performance (WLP) team were invited to present their programs to the Education Authorities (EAs) to showcase their approach to supporting the wellbeing of student athletes. The program also highlighted opportunities for teachers to engage in capacity building workshops to enhance their understanding and skills in delivering wellbeing programs in schools.
The WLP team outlined the benefits of their program to the EAs which will have a holistic approach for the student athletes which focuses on the personal development, dual career, physical, mental, social and the belief and behaviors of the athlete.
WLP Coordinator Roslyn Bibimauri quoted, “The WLP Service is included as part of the Performance service for athletes and it will help support athletes through a holistic approach, which will be focusing on various trainings/ workshops and personal coaching sessions that is tailored to meet individual athletes needs around these 4 key areas, dual career, personal development, bio psychosocial and beliefs and cultural. The aim is help our athletes thrive and flourish both in and outside of sports.”
She further added that apart from an individual athlete’s normal tactical and technical training schedules, they will also have access to wellbeing services for free as part of the ETS scholarship.
“I believe this is the first of its kind in the history of sport development in Solomon Islands and our team is very excited and looking forward especially in working with the TID program in facilitating trainings on topics like personal development, growth mind set, patriotism, peer pressure, cyber bulling, time management for students who will be part of the exiting program next year,” she added.
SOURCE: SINIS HP Press Release