SECRETARY to the Prime minister (SPM) and Chairman of the National Hosting Authority (NHA) for the Pacific Games 2023, Dr Jimmy Rodgers last week updated CEOs of State-Owned Enterprise and Corporate Bodies of the work in progress and appealed for their support going forward towards Solomon Islands hosting of the Pacific Games 2023 at a meeting held at the Solomon Islands National Institute of Sports (SINIS), a fully-funded Solomon Islands Government Sports complex at Ranadi.

SPM Dr Rodgers in welcoming the Company Executives presented an overview saying “the Pacific games 2023 is a catalyst to drive development which by next year 2023 will have injected around 1.5 Billion dollars into the Solomon Islands economy, and where today, the Pacific Games is the biggest Construction Program in the country as the Contractors are working around the clock to have the facilities ready by June next year”
Also, the CEOs attending were updated with on the ground progressive updates by the Chairman of the National Sports Council(NSC), a government body responsible for Sports development in the country, Mr Joe Sika, The Executive Director of the Games Facilities Committee Mr Eldon Tepa, responsible for the construction and renovation of the Games Venue and Chief Executive Officer of the SOL2023 Games Organizing Committee Mr Peter Stewart who is tasked with the Games successful delivery of all operational elements of the games who all spoke in detail and presented an overview and update of the work in progress for the Pacific Games 2023, which is on schedule and time and for a successful delivery.
SPM Dr . Rodgers made emphasis that the Pacific games 2023 would in the long term deliver quality Sporting Infrastructure for the country and is a first direct investment in the youths of Solomon Islands.
SPM Dr Jimmy Rogers took the opportunity to appeal to those present who represented the State-Owned Enterprises and Corporate bodies to take ownership and work closely in partnership with the government as they played a pivotal and important key role in making the PG 2023 games a success and make every Solomon Islanders proud.
The SOEs, which attended the meeting were Solomon Power, Solomon Water, CEMA, Solomon Airlines, Airports Authority, SIBC, Solomon Islands Ports Authority, Solomon Islands Postal Corporation, Solomon Telekom and the Solomon Islands National Provident Fund.
FEATURED PHOTO CAPTION: The Chairman of NHA-SPM Dr.Jimmy Rogers with the CEO of SOES & Business Corporates & Senior Officials of NHA. PHOTO SUPPLIED