FOR ACTION BY 22nd May & 1st JUNE, 2023.
The SIFF Executive Committee, in accordance with Article 30: paragraph 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the SIFF Statutes, resolved to convene the SIFF Elective Congress on:
Date: Thursday 22nd June 2023
Time: 10.00am
Place: TBC, Honiara.
Members are further advised that a one-day pre-congress will be held on Wednesday 21st June 2023 at the SIFF Conference room starting at 10am prior to the Elective Congress scheduled for 22nd June, 2023
The Secretariat is hereby requesting Members to nominate two delegates to represent them at the upcoming Elective Congress. The delegates must also indicate clearly in their registration forms which is delegate 1 and delegate 2. Delegate 1 has the voting right on behalf of his/her PFA while delegate 2 can only vote in the event that delegate 1 is absent from the meeting during voting time.
To allow the General Secretariat sufficient time to facilitate all logistics arrangements for your attendance to the Elective Congress, all registration forms must be completed and submitted to the General Secretary latest by 1st June, 2023, no later than 6.00pm.
To avoid any disappointments, please submit before or on the due date.
No Registrations shall be accepted after 6.00pm on 1st June, 2023 and will not be allowed to attend the ordinary/elective congress - CALL FOR NOMINATIONS
2.1: The member associations are hereby informed that the nominations for members of the SIFF Executive Committee for the upcoming Ordinary/elective congress opens from 9th May and closes on 22nd May, 2023.
2.2: Members are further advised that the following positions are currently open for nominations as stipulated under article 35(1) of the SIFF Statutes:
(a) President’s position
(b) 3 x vice president’s positions
(c) 5 x members positions one of which shall be a female member
2.3: As per article 35(2) – Every candidate in the election of Executive Committee members must be proposed by at least one Member.
2.4: The members of the Executive Committee shall be a Solomon Islander and be domiciled in the Solomon Islands. They must not have been previously found guilty of a criminal offence apart from a traffic related offense. No person shall be eligible to be elected into the Executive Committee if he/she has been found guilty of breaching the FIFA and/or OFC and/or SIFF Code of Ethics and if he has been suspended for a period longer than 6 months or more in the previous five years immediately following the call for nomination for such position. as per article 35(4) & (5) of the SIFF statutes.
2.5: Candidates for the Office of the President:
Only Members of SIFF may propose candidates for the office of President. Members shall notify the general secretariat in writing of the name of a candidate for the presidency of SIFF at least thirty (30) days before the date of the Congress. The candidate for President shall have a minimum of five (5) years’ experience in FIFA, OFC or SIFF sanctioned football organisations and activities as per article 41(2) & (3) of SIFF statutes. - Due Date for Nominations
As per article 41 (2), the nomination of president candidates must reach the Secretariat 30 days before the elective congress date. The members are hereby advised that the nominations of candidates for both President candidates and members will open on 9th May 2023 and closes on 22nd May 2023. All nomination of candidates must be submitted to the Secretariat by hard copy or electronic copy latest by 22nd May 2023 no later than 6.00pm.
No nominations will be accepted after 6.00pm on 22nd May 2023. Furthermore, nominations received from PFAs that do not pay their annual affiliation fees of $1,000 will not be accepted. - PROPOSED AGENDA
- Opening Prayer
- Welcome
- Roll Call
- A declaration that the Ordinary Congress has been convened and composed in compliance with the Statutes of SIFF.
- Approval of the agenda.
- An address by the President.
- Appoint members to check the minutes
- Approval of the minutes of the preceding Ordinary Congress.
- Presentation and approval of 2022 Annual Activity Report.
- Presentation and Adoption of 2022 Financial Statement & Audit Report.
- Presentation and approval of 2024 budget
- Presentation and adoption of the 2023 – 2026 Strategic Plan
- Appointment of Scrutineers
- Election of President, Vice Presidents & members of executive committee
- Declaration of election results
- Remarks by out-going President
- Remarks by in-coming President Elect
- Closing Remarks
- Closing prayer
Thank you for your attention and response
- SIFF CEO/Leonard Paia